Vacant Residential Lots
Base Layer
- Title
- Bloomfield Residential EUI
- Description
- This map shows the Energy Use Intensity (EUI) rating of single-family residential properties in Bloomfield.
Click on a property to display the energy consumption data at that location.
Residential properties currently excluded: extended vacancy within the last year, multi-family dwellings, residences not in city’s electric territory, existing gas service not provided by city gas utility, residences not located within city limits - Organization
- City of Bloomfield (Iowa)
- Designed By
- Gage Mikels
- Projection
- EPSG:3857
- Extent
- -10294793.82444422133266926, 4970959.87646554969251156, -10280164.86400219984352589, 4978645.34092184342443943
- Web Map Service
- WMS Url
- WMTS Url